Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview





Last Updated on

Jan 12, 2024

Last Updated by

@Bruno Belizario

Approved by

@Raphael Santos



The ecoPortal client is structured as a Single Page Application (SPA) built in Angular and hosts ReactJS applications within it, only accessible through the Angular client. All requests made after the initial request are performed with JSON.


Our server-side application is written using Ruby on Rails. We use Puma as the application server and Shoryuken to manage background jobs.

ecoPortal Architecture Overview (2).png



ecoPortal uses a 12-factor design where all application components are independently stateless. This allows the web and worker container hosts to easily scale up/down or be killed as required with no adverse effects. It also allows zero-downtime deployments to be performed by gradually replacing old containers with new ones, with the load balancer shifting client connections from the old containers to the new ones. Application images are versioned and stored within AWS Elastic Container Repository (ECR).

The application is containerized and will run on a dynamic port, “pushing” itself into the load balancer’s target group. This allows any given virtual host to run multiple web containers if needed. Health checks are automatic, and containers which go bad will be replaced once detected. Application assets (CSS & Javascript) are fingerprinted and stored using S3/Cloudfront on each deployment in a write-only fashion.

An isolated VPC contains the Load Balancer (LB) and Fargate hosts. Security groups further isolate the load balancer and the hosts. The LB allows TCP connections on ports 80 & 443 only. Access from the application to other services is managed through a mixture of IAM rules and password authentication. Required secrets (passwords etc) are stored encrypted in AWS parameter store with an IAM container role providing temporary access to the secrets on container boot.

Service details


  • Application code (sensitive)

  • Images are compiled from git and then uploaded and tagged

  • 100 versions are kept

  • Push/pull access is IAM-based (User)

  • Deployment access is IAM-based (Role)


  • Replicates and runs copies of ecoPortal’s web hosts and background workers

  • Pulls images from ECR


  • Queuing system for background jobs

  • Push/pull access is IAM-based (User)

  • No sensitive data

  • Expires as used


  • Output logging for application

  • Write access is IAM-based (Role)

  • Read access is separate IAM (Group)

  • No sensitive data, just metadata

  • Expires after 12 months

Parameter Store

  • Manages the application credentials (sensitive data)

  • Credentials are encrypted & isolated between environments with namespaces

  • Developer access is IAM (Group)

  • Application read access is IAM (Role)


  • Search-engine contains an intermediate form of most content

  • Sensitive data

  • Access is IAM-based (User) via SigV4


  • Stores file uploads

  • Encrypted at rest, sensitive data

  • Access is IAM-based (User)

  • Client uploads are managed via pre-signed requests into isolated per-user prefixes that are then reprocessed by the server and moved into an appropriate non-user modifiable location

  • Client uploads are automatically scanned for malware and viruses with up-to-date ClamAV through AWS Lambda. Infected files are tagged and cannot be downloaded.

  • Client downloads are managed via a redirect which verifies permissions and then generates an expiring signed download link

    • Some resources (user avatars) are less sensitive and are secured simply by being in an unguessable prefix to reduce unnecessary overheads

MongoDB Atlas

  • Primary database - all data

  • Sensitive data


  • Metadata around jobs currently running and queued items for notifications

  • No sensitive data - ID lists only

  • Access is password-based


  • Application pushes transaction traces, and performance data so that we can ensure that ecoPortal is performing correctly

  • No sensitive data - code locations + internal IDs only


  • Sends emails from the system

  • Sensitive data can be transmitted depending on notification setup on the organisation

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