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Chief Technology OfficerCTO

Last Updated On

Last Updated by

Bruno Belizario

Approved by

Sean Oldfield

Last Review

Subscribe to an RSS feed to be notified when we update the Incident Response Plan (note: you will need to cut and paste the "Subscribe to an RSS feed" URL into an RSS Feed Reader to monitor updates).


This document establishes the plan for managing information security incidents and events and offers guidance for employees or incident responders who believe they have discovered, or are responding to, a security incident.


  • Email information or reports about the event or incident

  • Google Chat using the channel #tech-infrastructure-questions

  • In the event of an application regression. The Incident Reporting Board present in Appendix D.

Reporters should act as good witnesses and behave as if they are reporting a crime. Reports should include specific details about what has been observed or discovered.


S3/S4 - Medium and Low Severity: A Trello card must may be created at the descretion of the incident responder and assigned to the appropriate department for response, except in the case of application regressions.
