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Last Updated on


Last Updated by

Bruno Belizario

Approved by


ecoPortal is committed to protecting the security, confidentiality, and privacy of its information resources, including California consumers’ personal data, in accordance with the requirements set forth in ISO 27701 and all relevant privacy frameworks, laws, and regulations.  Personal data shall only be processed when there is a legal basis to do so, data shall be managed to ensure that security, confidentiality, and privacy are maintained, and data will be used only for authorized purposes. All employees and contractors of ecoPortal share the responsibility for safeguarding personal data to which they have access.Policy

Access to information computing resources is limited to personnel with a business requirement for such access. Access rights shall be granted or revoked in accordance with this Access Control Policy.

When performing commercial activities in support of ecoPortal products and services that impacts consumer personal data (PII), ecoPortal may engage in certain activities which may require it to receive, store, process, transmit, create, or access and use data which may trigger compliance requirements with the provisions applicable to privacy regulations. This policy and the data privacy and information security policies adopted hereunder are intended to support the mission of ecoPortal and to facilitate data processing activities that are important to ecoPortal by:


  • use plain language and avoid jargon

  • use a format that is readable including on small screens

  • be available in the languages in which the company conducts the business

  • be reasonably accessible to consumers with disabilities in accordance with Web Content Accessibility guidelines version 2.1.

  • contain a meaningful description of categories of personal information collected

  • the business purpose for collection

  • include a link titled "Do-Not-Sell-My-Personal-Information" if the business sells personal information of California residents

  • include a link to the privacy policy (if different)

Notice of right to opt-out shall include:

  • description of consumer's right to opt-out the sale of their personal information

  • an interactive form by which consumers can opt-out

  • offline or alternative methods to opt-out

 If the company markets goods or services in the EU or UK, the Privacy Notice shall include:
